Page 253 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 253
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)
The Beauty in Objects
They cap tured for ti fied cit ies and fer tile land; they took pos -
ses sion of hous es filled with all kinds of good things,
wells al ready dug, vine yards, ol ive groves and fruit trees in
abun dance. They ate to the full and were well-nour ished;
they rev eled in Your great good ness. (Nehemiah, 9:25)
You wel comed him with rich bless ings and placed a crown
of pure gold on his head. (Psalms, 21:3)
Through knowl edge its rooms are filled with rare and
beau ti ful treas ures. (Proverbs, 24:4)
Beautiful Plants
Consider Assyria, once a ce dar in Lebanon, with beau ti ful
branch es over shad ow ing the for est; it tow ered on high, its
top above the thick fo li age. (Ezekiel, 31:3)
It was ma jes tic in beau ty, with its spread ing boughs, for its
roots went down to abun dant wa ters. (Ezekiel, 31:7)
I made it beau ti ful with abun dant branch es... (Ezekiel, 31:9)
Its leaves were beau ti ful, its fruit abun dant, and on it was
food for all. Under it the beasts of the field found shel ter, and
the birds of the air lived in its branch es; from it ev ery crea -
ture was fed. (Daniel, 4:12)