Page 258 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 258
They al so made the sa cred anoint ing oil and the pure, fra -
grant in cense—the work of a per fum er. (Exodus, 37:29)
... Then they brought the tab er nac le to Moses: ... the gold al -
tar, the anoint ing oil, the fra grant in cense, and the cur tain
for the en trance to the tent; the bronze al tar with its bronze
grat ing, its poles and all its uten sils; the ba sin with its stand.
(Exodus, 39:33, 38-39)
And burned fra grant in cense on it, as the Lord com mand ed
him. (Exodus, 40:27)
Beautiful Words
"So then, don't be afraid. I will pro vide for you and your chil -
dren." And he re as sured them and spoke kind ly to them.
(Genesis, 50:21)
An anx ious heart weighs a man down, but a kind word
cheers him up. (Proverbs, 12:25)
A man finds joy in giv ing an apt re ply—and how good is a
time ly word! (Proverbs, 15:23)
He who loves a pure heart and whose speech is gra cious
have the king for his friend. (Proverbs, 22:11)
My heart has ut tered a good word... my tongue is
the pen of a skill ful writer. (Psalms, 45:1)
What ad vice You have of fered to one with -
out wis dom! And how plen ti ful -
ly You have de clared sound
knowl edge! (Job, 26:3)