Page 256 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 256


                     When the Lord your God brings you in to the land... a land

                     with large, flour ish ing cit ies you did not build, hous es
                     filled with all kinds of good things you did not pro vide,
                     wells you did not dig, and vine yards and ol ive groves you
                     did not plant... (Deuteronomy, 6:10-11)

                     ... this good land, which the Lord your God has giv en you...
                     (Joshua, 23:13)

                     ... from the good land He [the Lord your God] has giv en

                     you... (Joshua, 23:16)

                                       Beautiful Scents

                     Perfume and in cense bring joy to the heart, and the ear nest
                     coun sel of one's friend is sweet to the soul. (Proverbs, 27:9)

                     ... They ex changed wrought iron, cas sia and cal a mus for

                     your wares. (Ezekiel, 27:19)

                     While the king was at his ta ble, my spike nard spread its fra -
                     grance. (Song of Songs, 1:12)

                     Also the food I pro vid ed for you—the fine flour, ol ive oil
                     and hon ey I gave you to eat—you of fered as fra grant in -
                     cense be fore them. That is what hap pened, de clares the Sov-
                     ereign Lord. (Ezekiel, 16:19)

                     Nard and saf fron, cal a mus and cin na mon, with ev ery kind
                     of in cense tree, with myrrh and al oes and all the fin est spi -
                     ces. (Song of Songs, 4:14)

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