Page 262 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 262
The Creation of the Heavens Within an Order
This is what the Lord says, He Who ap points the Sun shine
by day, Who de crees the Moon and stars to shine by night,
stirs up the sea so that its waves roar—the Lord Almighty is
His name... (Jeremiah, 31:35-36)
Lift your eyes and look to the heav ens: Who cre at ed all these?
He Who brings out the star ry host one by one, and calls them
each by name. Because of His great pow er and mighty strength,
not one of them is miss ing. (Isaiah, 40:26)
Can you bring forth the con stel la tions in their sea sons or
lead out the bear with its cubs? Do you know the laws of
the heav ens?... (Job, 38:32-33)
The Earth's Position in Space
He spreads out the north ern skies over emp ty space; He sus -
pends the earth over noth ing. (Job, 26:7)
The Course of the Sun
The Sun ris es and the Sun sets, hur ries back to where it ris -
es. (Ecclesiastes, 1:5)
The Movement of the Winds Within an Order
The wind blows to the south and turns to the north; round
and round it goes, ev er re turn ing on its course. (Ecclesi-
astes, 1:6)