Page 93 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 93

Ha run Yah ya (Ad nan Ok tar)

                                   The Last Day

                Multitudes, mul ti tudes in the val ley of de ci sion! For the day
                of the Lord is near in the val ley of de ci sion. The Sun and
                Moon will be dark en ed, and the stars no longer shine... The
                earth and the sky will trem ble. (Joel, 3:14-16)

                I will show wond ers in the heav ens and on the earth, blood
                and fire and bil lows of smoke. The Sun will be turned to

                dark ness and the Moon to blood be fore the com ing of the
                great and dread ful day of the Lord. (Joel, 2:30-31)

                Before them the earth shakes, the sky trem bles, the Sun and
                Moon are dark en ed, and the stars no longer shine... The day
                of the Lord is great; it is dread ful. Who can en dure it? (Joel,

                Their slain will be thrown out... All the stars of the heav ens
                will be dis solved and the sky rolled up like a scroll; all the
                star ry host will fall like with ered leaves from the vine, like
                shriv eled figs from the fig tree. (Isaiah, 34:3-4)

                The great day of the Lord is near—near and com ing quick ly.
                Listen! The cry on the day of the Lord will be bit ter, the
                shout ing of the war ri or there. That day will be a day of
                wrath, a day of dis tress and an guish, a day of troub le and ru -
                in, a day of dark ness and gloom, a day of clouds and black -
                ness, a day of trump et and bat tle cry against the for ti fied cit -

                ies and against the cor ner tow ers. I will bring dis tress on the

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