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                  and Company, s.285-286         64. Gertrude Himmelfarb, Dar-
                  51. Stephen Jay Gould, Ontogeny  win and the Darwinian Revolution,
                  and Phylogeny, Cambridge, Mass:  Chicago, Elephant Paperbacks,
                  Harvard University Press, 1977,  Ivan R. Dee, Publisher, 1996, s.
                  s. 12752.                      416
                  52. Thomas Huxley, Lay Sermons,  65. Hans-Ulrich Wehler, The Ger-
                  Addresses and Reviews, New York,  man Empire, s.180,
                  NY:Appleton, 1871, s. 20
                  53. Robert Lee Hotz, "Race has  a51/Rampart/4871/Dar-
                  no basis in biology, researchers  win.html
                  say," Los Angeles Times, 20 fiubat  66. T. D. Hall, The Scientific Backg-
                  1997                           round of the Nazi "Race Purificati-
                  54. Susan Chaves Cameron, Jour-  on" Program, US & German Euge-
                  nal of Counseling and Development,  nics, Ethnic Cleansing, Genocide,
                  76:277-285, 1998               and Population Control,
                  55. Natalie Angier, "Do Races
                  Differ? Not Really, DNA Shows",  id/nazi.html
                  New York Times, 22 A¤ustos 2000   67. Charles Darwin, The Decent of
                  56. Natalie Angier, "Do Races  Man, s. 297
                  Differ? Not Really, DNA Shows",  68. Karl Pearson, National Life
                  New York Times, 22 A¤ustos 2000   from the Standpoint of Science,
                  57. Natalie Angier, "Do Races  Cambridge, Cambridge Univer-
                  Differ? Not Really, DNA Shows",  sity Press, 1900, s. 11-16, 20-23,
                  New York Times, 22 A¤ustos 2000   36-37, 43-44
                  58. Genetically Speaking, Race  69. Karl Pearson, National Life
                  Doesn't Exist In Humans        from the Standpoint of Science,
                  http://www.eureka-             Cambridge, Cambridge Univer-
            sity Press, 1900, s. 11-16, 20-23,
                  10/WUiS-GSRD-071098.php        36-37, 43-44
                  59. Genetically Speaking, Race  70. John Merriman, A History of
                  Doesn't Exist In Humans        Modern Europe, Volume Two:
                  http://www.eureka-             From the French Revolution to
            the Present, s.990-991
                  10/WUiS-GSRD-071098.php        71. Karl Pearson, National Life
                  60. Time, 16 Ocak 1995         from the Standpoint of Science,
                  61. Time, 16 Ocak 1995         1900
                  62. Jim Knapp, Imperialism: The  72. Richard Milner, Encyclopedia
                  Struggle to Be Superior,       of Evolution: Humanity's Search for
                  http://www-perso-              Its Origin, s. 59
            73. Oscar Levy, Complete Works of
                  pers/Imperialism.html          Nietzsche, 1930, Vol. 2, s. 75
                  63. Encyclopedia Britannica, 1946  74. Richard Hofstadter, Social
                  edition, volume 12, page 122A  Darwinism in American Thought, s.

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