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                  and After, Grand Rapids Interna-  111. Joseph L. Graves Jr., The Em-
                  tional Press, Grand Rapids, MI,  peror's New Clothes, Rutgers Uni-
                  1958, s. 115-116              verstiy Press, 2001, s. 98
                  100. A. E. Wiggam, The New Di-  112. Joseph L. Graves Jr., The Em-
                  alogue of Science, Garden Publis-  peror's New Clothes, Rutgers Uni-
                  hing Co., Garden City, NY, 1922,  verstiy Press, 2001, s. 98
                  s. 102                        113. Nature, 116 (1925), s. 456
                  101. Ernst Haeckel, The History of  114. Bernhard Schreiber, The Men
                  Creation: Or the Development of the  Behind Hitler - A German Warning
                  Earth and Its Inhabitants by the Ac-  to the World,
                  tion of Natural Causes, Appleton,, s. 18
                  New York, 1876, s. 170        115. http://www.politicalama-
                  102. George Stein, "Biological sci-
                  ence and the roots of Nazism",  116. Joseph L. Graves Jr., The Em-
                  American Scientist 76(1):50–58,  peror's New Clothes, Rutgers Uni-
                  1988., s. 56; Ernst Haeckel, The  verstiy Press, 2001, s. 116-117
                  Wonders of Life; A Popular Study of  117. Joseph L. Graves Jr., The Em-
                  Biological Philosophy, Harper,  peror's New Clothes, Rutgers Uni-
                  New York, 1905, s. 116        verstiy Press, 2001, s. 119
                  103. K. Ludmerer, Eugenics, In:  118. Ian Kershaw, Hitler, volume
                  Encyclopedia of Bioethics, Edited  1, 1998, s. 134
                  by Mark Lappe, The Free Press,  119. R. Youngson, Scientific Blun-
                  New York, 1978, s.457         ders; A Brief History of How Wrong
                  104. Thomas Robert Malthus, An  Scientists Can Sometimes Be, Car-
                  Essay On The Principle of Populati-  roll and Graf Pub., New York,
                  on, Sixth Edition, 1826, based on  1998
                  the second edition (1803)     120. A. Hitler, Hitler’s Secret Con-
                  105. Charles Darwin, The Descent  versations 1941–1944, With an int-
                  of Man, 2nd Ed., s. 133–134, 1887  roductory essay on The Mind of
                  106. Charles Darwin, ‹nsan›n Tü-  Adolf Hitler by H.R. Trevor-Ro-
                  reyifli, s. 171                per, Farrar, Straus and Young,
                  107. Charles Darwin, The Descent  New York, 1953, s. 116
                  of Man, s. 945                121. A. Hitler, Hitler’s Secret Con-
                  108. Allan Chase, The Legacy of  versations 1941–1944, With an int-
                  Malthus, Chicago:University of  roductory essay on The Mind of
                  Illinois Press, 1980, s.136).  Adolf Hitler by H.R. Trevor-Ro-
                  109. Francis Galton, Hereditary  per, Farrar, Straus and Young,
                  Genius: An Inquiry into its Laws  New York, 1953, s. 116
                  and Consequences, London:Mac-  122. Bernhard Schreiber, The Men
                  millan, 1892, s. 330          Behind Hitler - A German Warning
                  110. Joseph L. Graves Jr., The Em-  to the World,
                  peror's New Clothes, Rutgers Uni-, s. 11
                  verstiy Press, 2001, s. 96    123. Bernhard Schreiber, The Men

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