Page 381 - Sosyal Silah Darwinizm
P. 381
197; Gertrude Himmelfarb, Dar- 87. Arthur Keith, Evolution and
win and the Darwinian Revolution, Ethics, G.P. Putnam’s Sons, New
s. 417 York, 1946, s. 230
75. Richard Hofstadter, Social 88. The Nuremberg Trials, Vol. 14,
Darwinism in American Thought, s. U.S. Government Printing Office,
197; Gertrude Himmelfarb, Dar- Washington, D.C., s. 279
win and the Darwinian Revolution, 89. J. Tenenbaum, Race and Reich,
s. 417 Twayne Pub., New York, 1956, s.
76. Arthur Keith'in, Machin'in 211
Darwin's Theory Applied to Man- 90. Adolf Hitler, Um das Schicksal
kind adl› kitab›na yazd›¤› önsöz- der Nation', in B. Dusik (ed.), Hit-
den, s. Viii; Gertrude Himmel- ler. Reden Schriften Anordnun-
farb, Darwin and the Darwinian gen. Februar 1925 bis Januar
Revolution, s. 417 1933, vol. 2(2), Munich, 1992,
77. W. Carr, A history of Germany Doc 245.
1815-1990, 4. Bask›, s. 205; Ernst 91. Robert Clark, Darwin: Before
Haeckel, Der Kamkpf um den Ent- and After, Grand Rapids Interna-
wicklungs-Gedanken, 1905 tional Press, Grand Rapids, MI,
78. W. Carr, A History of Germany 1958, s. 115
1815-1990, 4. Bask›, s. 208 92. Beate Wilder-Smith, The Day
79. Oscar Levy, Complete Works of Nazi Germany Died, Master Bo-
Nietzsche, 1930, Vol. 2, s. 75 oks, San Diego, CA, 1982, s. 27
80. H. Enoch, Evolution or Creati- 93. George J. Stein, "Biological
on, 1966, s. 147-148 science and the roots of Nazism",
81. Max Nordau, "The Philo- American Scientist 76(1):50–58,
sophy and Morals of War", North 1988, s.51
American Review, 169 (1889), s. 94. George J. Stein, "Biological
794 science and the roots of Nazism",
82. Jacques Barzun, Darwin, American Scientist 76(1):50–58,
Marx, Wagner, Garden City, New 1988, s. 56
York, Doubleday, 1958, s. 92, 93 95. Rauschning, H., The Revoluti-
83. Jacques Barzun, Darwin, on of Nihilism, Alliance Book
Marx, Wagner, s. 92-95 Corp., New York, 1939
84. 96. Arthur Keith, Evolution and
ror.html Ethics, G.P. Putnam’s Sons, New
85. Karl A. Schleunes, The Twisted York, 1946, s. 230
Road to Auschwitz, University of 97. Arthur Keith, Evolution and
Illinois Press, Urbana, Illinois, Ethics, G.P. Putnam’s Sons, New
1970. s.30-32 York, 1946, s. 105
86. A. Chase, The Legacy of Malt- 98. Peter Hoffman, Hitler's Perso-
hus; The Social Costs of the New nal Security, London, Pergamon
Scientific Racism, Alfred Knopf, Press, 1979, s. 264
New York, 1980, s. 349 99. Robert Clark, Darwin: Before
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)