Page 384 - Sosyal Silah Darwinizm
P. 384
Company, 1871 (1896 bask›s›), s.54
s.326 150. Stephen Jay Gould, The Mis-
142. Charies Darwin, The Autobi- measure of Man, s.83
ography of Charles Darwin 1809- 151. Stephen Jay Gould, The Mis-
1882 (Ed. by Nora Barlow), New measure of Man, s. 83, 188
York: W. W. Norton & Company, 152. Stephen Jay Gould, The Mis-
Inc., 1958, 232-233 measure of Man, s.104
143. Charies Darwin, The Autobi- 153. Stephen Jay Gould, The Mis-
ography of Charles Darwin 1809- measure of Man, s.104
1882 (Ed. by Nora Barlow), New 154. Stephen Jay Gould, The Mis-
York: W. W. Norton & Company, measure of Man, s.85
Inc., 1958, 232-233 155. Stephen Jay Gould, The Mis-
144. Charles Darwin, The Descent measure of Man, s.104-105
of Man and Selection in Relation to 156. Wayne Jackson, More Skull-
Sex, New York: D. Appleton and Duggery, 7 Ekim 2002,
Company, 1871 (1896 bask›s›), http://www.christiancouri-
145. Carl Vogt, Lectures on Man: gery.htm
His Place in Creation, and the His- 157. John Hurrell Crook, "Sexual
tory of Earth, edited by James Selection, Dimorphism, and Soci-
Hunt, London: Paternoster Row, al Organization in the Primates,"
Longman, Green, Longman, and in Campbell (Ed.), Sexual Selecti-
Roberts, 1864, xv, 192 on and the Descent of Man 1871-
146. Stephanie A. Shields, "Func- 1971 Chicago: Aldine Publishing
tionalism, Darwinism, and the Company, 1972
Psychology of Women; A Study 158. Charles Darwin, The Descent
in Social Myth," American Psycho- of Man and Selection in Relation to
logist, no. 1 (1975): 749 Sex, New York: D. Appleton and
147. Evelleen Richards, "Darwin Company, 1871 (1896 bask›s›),
and the Descent of Women," in s.565
David Oldroyd and Ian Lang- 159. Phillip E. Johnson, Defeating
ham (Eds.), The Wider Domain Darwinism, Intervarsity Press,
of Evolutionary Thought (Hol- 1997, s.103-104
land: D. Reidel, 1983), 75 160. Michael Denton, Evolution:
148. Evelleen Richards, "Darwin A Theory in Crisis, 1988, s. 358
and the Descent of Women," in 161. William Provine, "Evolution
David Oldroyd and Ian Lang- and the Foundation of Ethics",
ham (Eds.), The Wider Domain MBL Science, (A Publication of
of Evolutionary Thought (Hol- Marine Biological Laboratory at
land: D. Reidel, 1983), 74 49 Woods Hole, Massachusetts),
149. Charles Darwin, The Descent vol. 3, no. 1, s. 25-29; The Scien-
of Man and Selection in Relation to tist, 5 Eylül 1988
Sex, New York: D. Appleton and 162. H. Epoch, Evolution or Cre-
Company, 1871 (1896 bask›s›), ation, (1988), s. 148-149
Sosyal Silah Darwinizm