Page 385 - Sosyal Silah Darwinizm
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                 163. Phillip E. Johnson, Defeating  177. Peter Singer, "Sanctity of Li-
                 Darwinism, Intervarsity Press,  fe or Quality of Life?, Pediatrics,
                 1997, s.99                    Temmuz1983, s. 128-129
                 164. http://www.tru-          178. Martin Mawyer, "Death Act
          Dies in California", Fundamenta-
                 165. George Gaylord Simpson,  list Journal, 7 Haziran 1988:61
                 Life of The Past:An Introduction to  179. Martin Mawyer, "Death Act
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                 University Press, 1953        list Journal, 7 Haziran 1988:61
                 166. Richard Dawkins, Unwe-   180. Barbara Burke, "Infanticide",
                 aving The Rainbow, Houghton   Science 84, May›s 1984, s. 29
                 Mifflin Company Newyork,      181. Charles Darwin, On the Ori-
                 1998, s. ix                   gin of Species, 1859, s.449
                 167. Sir Fred Hoyle, The Intelli-  182. E. O. Wilson, Sociobiology:
                 gent Universe, 1983, s. 9     The New Synthesis, Cambridge,
                 168. George Gaylord Simpson,  1975, s.3
                 "The World into Which Darwin  183. Stephen Jay Gould, Ever Sin-
                 Led Us," Science 131 (1960), s. 970  ce Darwin, New York, W.W. Nor-
                 169. Francis Darwin (ed.), Life  ton & Co., 1977
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                 170. George B. Johnson, Biology:  185. E.O. Wilson, On Human Na-
                 Visualizing Life, Holt, Rinehart  ture, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard
                 and Winston, Inc., 1994,  s. 453   University Press, 1978, s. 2-3
                 171. http://www.touchstone-   186. Richard Dawkins, The Selfish
                   Gene, ‹kinci Bask›,1989, Oxford:
                 es/15.8docs/15-8pg43.html     Oxford University Press., s.2
                 172. P.J. Darlington, Evolution for  187. Robert Wallace, The Genesis
                 Naturalists, 1980, s. 243-244  Factor, New York: Morrow and
                 173. Stephen Jay Gould, Ever Sin-  Co.,1979, s.217-218
                 ce Darwin, s. 223             188. Mae-Wan Ho, The Human
                 174. Charles Darwin, The Descent  Genome Map, the Death of Ge-
                 of Man and Selection in Relation to  netic Determinism and Beyond,
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                 175. Lorraine Lee Larison Cud-  189. Francis S. Collins, Lowell
                 more, "The Center of Life," in Sci-  Weiss ve Kathy Hudson, "Have
                 ence Digest, Kas›m 1977, s. 46  no fear. Genes aren't everything",
                 176. Thomas F. Gossett, Race: The  The New Republic, 06/25/2001
                 History of an Idea in America, Dal-  190. Francis S. Collins, Lowell
                 las: Southern Methodist Univer-  Weiss ve Kathy Hudson, "Have
                 sity Press, 1963, s. 170      no fear. Genes aren't everything",

                                 Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)
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