Page 393 - Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed
P. 393

Adnan Harun Yahya

                                                                                       It is important not to
                                                                                       confuse the Armenian
                                                                                       gangs that rebelled
                                                                                       against the Ottoman
                                                                                       Empire with our Armen-
                                                                                       ian brothers and sisters
                                                                                       who were a part of the
                                                                                       Empire. The gangs usu-
                                                                                       ally consisted of thugs
                                                                                       that lived in mountain-
                                                                                       ous areas and that fell
                                                                                       for the lies of the
                                                                                       British deep state.

                   (Below) Armeni-
                   ans living in
                   Yeşilköy during
                   the Ottoman era
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