Page 395 - Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed
P. 395

Adnan Harun Yahya

                                                                                   (Top) Armenian rebels
                                                (Left) A view of Zeitun where the Armenian riot took place

                            Clearly, these rebellious thugs didn't represent the pious and loyal Ar-
                        menians who lived peacefully under Ottoman rule for centuries and were

                        happily engaged in their arts and trade. Rather, these lawless and armed crim-
                        inals provided the mercenaries the British deep state needed to use against

                        the Ottoman Empire.

                            Zeitun witnessed two big riots, one during the Russo-Turkish war (1877-

                        78), and one right after the war in 1879. Izmir Armenian Church's Pontiff
                        claimed that an Armenian church was going to be established in Zeitun based
                        on Berlin Congress resolutions and that the British would send them money

                        and weapons for this purpose. This rhetoric played a role in the second riot.

                        English Said Pasha, who was the Minister of the Navy at the time, wrote in
                        his memoir that Patrick Henderson, British Consul at Aleppo, had been be-
                        hind the riot.

                            During the Zeitun riot, armed gangs targeted Muslim villages and news
                        of massacres kept coming regularly from the region. Some 600 local Muslims,

                        who had enough of these attacks, set out to confront the rebels in an attempt
                        to defend the Muslims in Zeitun. Seeing that a civil war was brewing, the Sub-
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