Page 396 - Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed
P. 396

lime Porte dispatched troops to the region to suppress the riot. To better un-

                     derstand what happened, let's see what the thugs' leader Babek wrote to Hen-
                     derson, the British Consul at Aleppo. Maraş Governor Mazhar Pasha inter-

                     cepted the letter, a valuable evidence.

                         To the British Consul at Aleppo,

                         His Excellency Consul, who came to Zeitun for exploration,

                         We are ready to rub our faces on the soil on your feet, and kiss your feet from

                         here until there… Only God in the Heaven, and us on Earth know about the
                         meeting we had with you. We are yet to benefit from the meeting minutes we
                         have given to you in the chamber of Patriarch Serkis. We're still waiting. We

                         did everything you ordered. You also know that we never disobeyed your
                         commandments. You said to us: 'After I leave, let the gang members come
                         and sit here freely, and not suffer in the mountains. If any government offi-

                         cial comes and dares to catch them, you should resist and let me know so that
                         I can inform others of your resistance.' But as soon as our men leave Zeitun,

                         they are being killed. Please send us an urgent reply. What should we do?...

                         In your letter, you informed of the commissioning of a Christian district offi-
                         cer and that government officers would be chosen among us. However,

                         according to what we heard, the new officers are going to be Muslims. If that
                         is true, we shall make our preparations accordingly. We shouldn't be left in
                         the blind like before. Let us live according to your orders. May you live long.

                         Please do something to get our arrested members released as soon as possible.
                         We accept to pay whatever costs you will incur. All our surrounding villages
                         and we are on the side of your nation… As you ordered, we have delivered

                         the weapons that we got from the government to Patvili Effendi… Should we
                         act like we did before, or keep a low profile? Please let us know urgently. 230

                         English Said Pasha's measures effectively ended the Zeitun riot. Further-
                     more, a general amnesty was declared to cover all Armenians, including lead-

                     ers of the riot, while the state compensated all personal losses. It is notewor-
                     thy that the Pasha, responsible for the measures that led to the amnesty even

                     for those that killed many people, had the nickname 'English'. However, Said
                     Pasha correctly guessed that it wasn't going to be the end of these riots:

           Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed
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