Page 398 - Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed
P. 398

state, and this is the reason why they are being criticized here. (It should be

                     noted that the Russians' incitement of Armenian gangs was also a British
                     deep state's plan). Most of the appointed governors were employed as agents

                     in an operation to tear away certain regions from the Ottoman Empire. This
                     was a blatant plot and a trap. In addition, the Armenian rebels in question

                     have never been loyal citizens of the Empire, but chose to be sycophants of
                     the British deep state. Apparently, the British deep state had no trouble find-

                     ing minions among the Armenian community, just like it didn't within the
                     Ottoman Empire.

                         Caucasus Campaign in WWI

                         Although completely wrong, during wartime, most belligerents consid-

                     er every means to an end acceptable, which is usually for protecting their peo-
                     ple. Wars can make reasonable and rational people unreasonable and irra-

                     tional, while greed for victory or the quest to protect one's own people can
                     drive them to commit atrocities. This is what happened to the Turks and the

                     Armenians as the two fraternal nations made a tragic mistake and turned
                     against each other amidst the horrible background of WWI.

                         American historian and demographer Justin McCarthy reports that be-

                     tween 1821 and 1922, five million European Muslims were driven out of their
                     homelands, and a similar number of them were massacred in the so-called

                     independence wars, sponsored by Europe. This ethnical massacre of Muslims
                     took place during the Serbian and Greek independence movements, during

                     the Russo-Turkish war of 1877-78, the Balkan war in 1912, the Armenian ri-
                     ots in Central Anatolia, the Greek invasion and finally the Turkish War of

                     Independence. In his report for Carnegie Endowment, Michael Mann writes
                     that the ethnical massacre of the time was so shocking nothing of a similar

                     magnitude had ever taken place before in Europe. Historian Maria Todor-
                     ova similarly states that more than one million Muslims left the Balkans dur-

                     ing the last three decades of the 19 century and relocated to Turkey. Many
                     of those Ottoman martyrs are not even known today. The British deep state's
                     plan to drive the Turks out of Europe into Asia brought about such shock-
                     ing cruelty and savagery.

           Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed
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