Page 397 - Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed
P. 397
Adnan Harun Yahya
The Zeitun people are acting rebellious like this because Europeans constantly
favor Christians and especially because British protects Armenians and sees
Muslims at fault. It is clear from the letter that Mr. Henderson, who is the
British Consul at Aleppo, sent to Zeitun gangsters that he encouraged the
rebels. The Armenians around Van and in Aleppo rebelling and making com-
plaints to foreign ambassadors; no doubt this is clearly for the purpose of
building an autonomous Armenian province in the future. This is not going
to happen overnight. However, if we don't do something to prevent it now, Eu-
rope will ask us to appoint an Armenian governor to Van. Then, we will have
to assign an Armenian governor there like we did in Lebanon and Crete. 231
Pasha's predictions came true. Bedros Kapamajian became the first Ar-
menian mayor of Van in 1912, and in 1915 the Russians appointed Armen-
ian Aram Manukian as the governor.
Let us remember one more time at this point: We are always proud to
have had Armenian governors. We have had many Armenian pashas and
grand viziers throughout our history. The valuable members of our nation -
Armenians, Kurds, Bosnians, Circassians among others- took important po-
sitions in the administration and Turkish people have always been proud of
this. However, in this case, it was just a sly tactic employed by the British deep
Armenian rebels