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The  drug  delivery  system,  which  includes  large  particle-sized  materials,  poses

                   many problems to the delivery system and absorption of the drug. This problem includes
                   in  vivo  instability,  poor  bioavailability,  poor  solubility,  poor  absorption  in  the  body,

                   issues with target-specific delivery, tonic effectiveness, and probable adverse effects of
                   drugs (Patra et al., 2018).

                   1.3    Research objectives

                   1.3.1 General objective
                   To  design  and  develop  Zanamivir  nanoparticles  for  enhanced  oral  delivery  that  is

                   subjected to physicochemical characterization study, in vitro drug release study, in vitro

                   diffusion chamber study, in vivo oral absorption study and mechanism of drug transport
                   across the intestinal linings. To design and formulate a new and novel delivery system to

                   increase bioavailability of the drug as well as to study its mechanistic pathways on the
                   absorption profiles of zanamivir.

                   1.3.2   Specific objectives are:

                       1)  formulation  development  of  Zanamivir  nanoparticles  formulation  using  ionic

                          gelation technique. Formulation with the smallest size and most stable in terms of
                          PDI and zeta potential values will be selected for subsequent studies.

                       2)   characterization  study  encompasses  particle  size  analysis,  polydispersity  index
                          (PDI), morphology study (SEM and TEM), FTIR, XRD.

                       3)  to perform Caco-2 cell permeation study.

                       4)   to perform in vitro drug release study and encapsulation efficiency study (EE).
                       5)  to  determine  Zanamivir  nanoparticle  drug  transport  across  the  intestinal  linings

                          (from apical to basolateral side) using in vitro diffusion chamber study.
                       6)  to examines the  mechanism of  Zanamivir transport via transepithelial  electrical

                          resistance (TEER) analysis.

                       7)  to conduct HPLC method development and validation of Zanamivir for oral
                       8)  to conduct in vivo oral and nasal absorption study of Zanamivir nanoparticles in

                          Spraque Dawley model rats.

                   1.4    Significant of study
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