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technology which altering the size of the drug particle and its surface properties will
make it possible for us to be able to delivers the drug in a longer period and thus, less
frequent dosing (sustained release) and will also increases its precision and the ability to
penetrate difficult to access tissues (Rizvi & Saleh, 2018). The use of nanotechnology in
drug delivery system has many advantages such as improved bioavailability by enhancing
aqueous solubility, increasing resistance time in the body (increasing half-life for
clearance/increasing specificity for its cognate receptors and can be uses for targeting
drug to specific location in the body (its site of action) (Mudshinge et al., 2011).
Nanoparticles are seen to be the better choice compared to traditional drug
delivery in terms of its high stability, high specificity, high drug-carrying capacity, ability
for controlled release, possibility to use in different routes of administration and the
capability to deliver both hydrophilic and hydrophobic drug molecules (Sovan Lal Pal et
al., 2011).The nanoparticle is typically measured in 10-9 nanometers (1nm corresponding
to m), and it encompasses systems whose size is above molecular dimensions and below
macroscopic ones (generally > 1 nm and < 100 nm) (Sovan Lal Pal et al., 2011). As
particle size get smaller, their surface area to volume ratio gets larger. This would imply
that more of the drug is closer to the surface of the particle compared to a larger
molecule. Being at or near the surface would lead to faster drug release (Buzea et al.,
Nanoemulsions which is a colloidal dispersion system are thermodynamically
stable, composed of two immiscible liquids mixed along with emulsifying agents
(surfactants and co-surfactants) to form a single phase (K. Gurpret & S. K. Singh, 2018).
Nanoemulsions with small droplet size can enhance the bioavailability of drugs, physical
stability, and non-irritant in nature which is preferable for drug delivery system (Zeng et
al., 2019). Lipid-based formulations are a good choice for delivering drug which have
low oral bioavailability (Feeney et al., 2016).
3.1 Materials and tools
The tool that will be used in this research is HPLC with UV-Vis detector,
analytical balance, sonicator, filter paper, funnel, measuring cylinder, pipettes, measuring
flask, Erlenmeyer, dropper drops, spatula, parchment paper, mortars, stamfer, suction
ball, and aluminium foil. The materials that will be used in this study were standard pure