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and fetal bovine serum at 37 °C under a 5 % CO2 atmosphere. The cells will be seeded

                   on permeable polycarbonate Transwell membranes at a density of 1.0×105 cells/cm2 and
                   will be cultured for 21–28 days. Before and after the experiments, the integrity of the

                   Caco-2  cell  monolayers  will  be  evaluated  by  measuring  the  transepithelial  electrical
                   resistance (TEER) using a Voltohmmeter and only Caco-2 cell monolayers with a TEER

                   value  of>200  Ω·cm2  at  pre-and  post-incubations  will  be  use  for the  experiments.  The

                   apparent experimental permeability coefficients (Papp, nm/s) will be calculated for time-
                   dependent absorption in vitro from the apical side of the Caco-2 monolayer in HBSS with

                   10mM MES (pH 6.0) to the basal side of the Caco-2 monolayer in HBSS with 10mM
                   HEPES  (pH  7.4).  1–100  μM  (dependent  on  the  solubility  of  each  substrate)  of  test

                   substance in a final concentration of<0.1 % dimethyl sulfoxide (originally dissolved in

                   dimethyl sulfoxide and diluted with Hank’s balanced salt solution) will be applied to the
                   apical side of Caco-2 cells cultured on Transwell plates. Caffeine and lucifer yellow were

                   used as positive and negative permeability controls, respectively. The amounts of the test
                   substances  in  permeation  samples  from  the  basal  sides  were  measured  by  high

                   performance liquid chromatography.

                   3.5    In vitro drug release study and encapsulation efficiency study (EE)

                          3.5.1  In vitro drug release study
                                 The release studies will be using nanoparticles that will be conducted in

                                 triplicates  using  dialysis  membrane  (DM).  Samples  of  2.5  or  5  mL  of
                                 nanoparticles  with  1.25  mg  drug  will  be  loaded  into  Spectra/Por®  3

                                 standard regenerated cellulose dialysis tubing with an MWCO of 3.5 kDa

                                 and clipped by standard closures. The dialysis tube was immersed into 450
                                 mL release medium at 37ºC with a magnetic stirrer stirring at 75 rpm. At

                                 5, 15, 30, 45, 60, 75, 90, 120, 180, and 360 min, 3 mL of the dissolution
                                 medium  will  be  withdrawn and replaced with  an equal  volume of fresh

                                 medium. The sample solution was treated with EtOH to free the entrapped

                                 drug and assayed by HPLC for drug content. Then, the nanoparticles will
                                 be centrifugally ultrafiltrate to obtain filtrate for HPLC assay of free drug


                          3.5.2  Encapsulation Efficiency Study (EE)
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