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The  free  drug  and  nanoparticles  will  be  separated  through  centrifugal

                                 ultrafiltration using. Briefly, 15 mL of fresh nanoparticles will be loaded
                                 into the filter device and centrifuged at 4000Xg for 20 min. The filtrate

                                 containing  solely  free  drug  will  collected  for  HPLC  assay,  while  the
                                 concentrate was  freeze-dried. The freeze-dried powders will be weighed

                                 and dissolve in an organic solvent for HPLC assay of the drug content in

                                 the nanoparticle. The drug loading (DL) and encapsulation efficiency (EE)
                                 will be calculated using the following equations:

                                 EE (%) = total amount of drug - amount of free drug X 100%
                                                       total amount of drug

                                 DL (%) = total amount of drug in nanoparticles X 100%

                                                total amount of nanoparticles

                   3.6    Mechanism of Zanamivir transport via transepithelial electrical resistance (TEER)

                                 The  electrodes  will  be  equilibrated  and  sterilized  before  the  analysis
                          according  to  the  manufacturer’s  recommendations.  Two  hundred  microliters  of

                          culture  medium  will  be  added  in  the  upper  compartment  of  the  cell  culture

                          system.  The  ohmic  resistance  of  a  blank  (culture  insert  without  cells)  will  be
                          measured  in  parallel.  To  obtain  the  sample  resistance,  the  blank  value  will  be

                          subtracted from the total resistance of the sample. The final unit area resistance
                          (Ω*cm2) will be calculated by multiplying the sample resistance by the effective

                          area of the membrane (0.33 cm2 for 24-well Millicell inserts)

                   3.7    In vitro diffusion chamber method.

                                         The transport of Zanamivir across the rat intestinal membrane will
                          be conducted using in vitro diffusion chamber method (K.A. Hamid et al., 2017).

                          This study will be performed in accordance with the guidelines and approval from

                          the  animal  ethics  committee  of  Universiti  Teknologi  MARA  (UiTM)  (UiTM
                          Care:53/2014).  Male  Sprague  Dawley  rats,  weighing  230–250  g  will  be

                          anesthesize  with  a  mixture  of  ketamin  and  xylazil  (3:2),  intraperitoneally  (i.p.)
                          after being fasted overnight. By doing a midline abdominal incision, the intestine

                          will  be  exposed  and  removed  and  then  wash  with  phosphate  buffered  saline
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