Page 11 - PROPOSAL LATIP Zanamivir_Neat 2
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(PBS). The intestinal segment will be isolated and cut open. The muscle layer on

                          the external surface of the segment will be stripped off and the intestinal sheets
                          will  be  then  mounted  to  the  pins  of  the  diffusion  chamber  (Harvard  Navicyte,

                          Warner  Instruments,  USA).  The  drug  solution  will  be  added  to  the  donor
                          compartment and the same volume of buffer will be add to the receiver site. 95%

                          O2 and 5% CO2 gas was aerated in each chamber in order to mix each solution

                          and  will  be  also  to  maintain  the  viability  of  the  membrane.  Throughout  the
                          experiment,  the  temperature  will  be  maintained  at  37  C.  A  volume  of  0.1  ml

                          aliquot will be taken from the receiver site at predetermined time intervals over
                          120 min. The aliquot will be immediately replaced with an equal volume of buffer

                          solution and then the drugs will be assayed. The apparent permeability coefficient

                          will be calculate using the following equation (Eq. (1)):

                          Papp¼FluxX(1/Area)X(1/60)X(1/C0)                                                                  (1)

                          Where Papp is referred as apparent permeability coefficient (cm/s), while the flux,
                          F,  is  the  slope  of  linear  portion  of  cumulative  transport  amount  to  time  at  the

                          steady state (pmol/ml). Area refers to the area of diffusion chamber for transport

                          (fix value), 1.78 cm2, and C0 is the initial drug concentration (pmol/ml). In this
                          instance,  the  best  microemulsions  and  nanoemulsion  will  be  identified  from

                          pseudoternary phase diagram study and characterization study will be evaluated.
                          In addition, 3.0% w/w of captopril in olive oil, an emulsion formed without the

                          use of glycerol and sucrose ester surfactant will be used as a control.

                   3.8    Chromatographic Analysis

                          3.8.1.   Chromatographic Condition
                                 Solutions  and  mobile  phases  will  be  freshly  prepared  before  use.  The

                          analytical column  is  a C18 column. Elution  will be  obtained by  98% ultrapure
                          water and 2% acetonitrile (v/v) with a flow rate of 0.5 ml/ min. All analyses will

                          be carried out under isothermal conditions at 25◦C with UV detection at 230 nm.
                          The injection volume will be 10μl.

                          3.8.2   Standard preparation
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