Page 24 - Foodies Follow Foodies
P. 24

The man behind

     captain satsuma !

                                 J A M E S   H O P S O N

     My idea is to introduce children to fruit and vegetables
     in a positive and interesting way. In the first book we
     get to meet the characters that will form the basis of
     my future stories. As time passes a number of new
     faces will also appear alongside them, through books,
     website and social media channels. By using my
     characters to engage, I am able to deliver subtle
     healthy messages throughout all of my content. All of
     my stories came about after being inspired by my
     granddaughter.                                              Having never written a book before there were significant
     Spending an afternoon drawing with her, she placed a        challenges for me. I’m extremely grateful to my illustrator,
     satsuma in front of me for a snack later on. Thinking it    story critic and proof reader for believing in me and making
     would be fun I started sketching it and was soon adding     this happen. The book is called Captain Satsuma has
     features and body parts. As I constructed my sketch, my     Landed and tells the story of the Captain traveling from his
     granddaughter glanced over,                                 home Planet Superseed to Gnome Island in search of Evil
     “Who’s that she asked?”                                     Spud Mouldy. Mouldy whose real name was Maris is the
     “Captain Satsuma,” I replied, making the first name up
     that came into my head.                                     half-brother of Superseed’s ruler King Edward.  Jealous of
     “Never heard of him,” my granddaughter replied, as she      his half- brother, Mouldy has stolen a pod ship and fled his
     turned away.                                                planet, before crash landing on Gnome Island. It’s there he
     Proud of my little sketch I gave a quick response,          meets the ruthless Count Rubbish who has desires to claim
     “He’s going to be famous. You’ll see him in loads of        the Island for his own benefit.
     places,” I told her [oh dear].                              Captain Satsuma is joined in his pursuit of Evil Spud Mouldy
     Two days later I found myself accosted on the front         by the Frugee 4, who are Masked Pepper, Undercover
     doorstep to be told in no uncertain fashion.                Carrot, Miss Sweetcorn and Cape Pear. Together they must
     “Mummy and I have been around all the shops, and
     there’s no Captain Satsuma anywhere. You were talking       find Mouldy, whilst also foiling Count Rubbish’s dastardly
     rubbish gangan!                                             plans. Although a fun adventure with plenty of humour,
                                                                 there are a number of subtle healthy messages contained.

     Shot down in flames for a second time, I set about
     writing a story to prove my granddaughter wrong. As         I have produced rough drafts for five follow up adventures. Each
     the characters developed I decided to use the word          book will be a standalone title, although the story can be
     rubbish to my advantage, by making the arch villain of      continuous too if you wish. Every book will have healthy content,
     my plot ‘Count Rubbish.’                                    with nature and the environment playing an important role. At
     My dad was a greengrocer for twenty-five years, so          present Captain Satsuma has Landed is available only online,
     basing a character ‘Freddie Elf,’ on him was a small        although I’m working on a number of other channels at this time.
     tribute to him for being such a wonderful father and        For children, learning to read is a major part of their development.
     for giving me my first job on a Saturday aged 13.           By combining this with messages about healthy eating, I hope to
                                                                 not only encourage children to eat the suggested five portions of
                                                                 fruit and veg a day, but to have a healthy balanced diet too.

                                                             W E B S I T E     W W W . C A P T A I N S A T S U M A . C O . U K

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