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P. 192
- Taking the lead from steak and sushi, the most Instagrammed food is pizza.
- It is projected that the posts which include at least 1 hashtag gains 12,6%
extra engagement.
- Nike, National Geographic, Nike Football, 9GAG, and Victoria’s Secret
are the top five most-followed brands on Instagram.
- Expectedly, one of the most uploaded pictures on Instagram is selfies.
There are more than 310 million selfies on Instagram.
Exercise 335. Fill in the correct translation.
to remind
to require
to resemble
to respect
to result
to satisfy
to seem
to signify
to sound
to succeed
to suffice
to suit
to suppose
to surprise
to tend
to trust
to understand
to value
to want
to wish
Exercise 336. Watch the video 2.35 and answer the questions.
So how do I get better (стать лучше)? How would you advise (посоветовать)
I practice saying no? What are the pieces? First, consider the request
(требование) and evaluate (оцените) whether you can do it. Is it important
for your career? And then secondly, acknowledge (признайте) and thank your
manager for thinking of you. Again, this will help safeguard (защита) being
sort of branded (которого заклеймили, как) as someone who is not a team
player or difficult. Then use evidence (доказательства) to say no. For
example, “I need this time that you’ve asked of me to work on X and, therefore
(таким образом), I won’t be able to do Y.” And be really firm (твёрдым).
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