Page 256 - Вишневская Виктория Юрьевна ©
P. 256


         -   I contribute ideas, sure. Well, why would I be there if I didn't.
         Answer the questions:
           1.  What is this video about?
           2.  Do you think such organizational structure of Apple is a good one?
           3.  How would you organize such a huge company?
           4.  How  often  do  they  meet  at  Apple?  How  often  do  you  have  internal
           5.  Do employees argue with Steve Jobs? Do you argue with your boss?
           6.  How according to Steve Jobs can you keep good employees?
         Exercise 420. Read and discuss the article.
         The  Best Tricks to Sounding Confident (Even When You're Not).
         1. Speak More Slowly: Some of us speak faster when we’re nervous. Some of
         us are naturally fast talkers. Regardless of (независимо от) your motivations,
         conscious (сознательных) or subconscious (подсознательных), speaking too
         quickly indicates (указывает на) a lack of authority (власти) or a lack of
         confidence (уверенности). In addition, while speaking quickly, you’re more
         likely (более вероятно) to make mistakes in your enunciation (дикция), and
         you have less time to think through your words. Focus on speaking more slowly
         in your conversation, allowing your words to draw out (извлечь) and giving
         your sentences a weightier rhythm (более весомый ритм). Your audience
         will have more time to digest (переварить) the words you’re speaking, and
         you’ll be less likely to make any critical errors (ошибки) that compromise
         (подрывать) your speaking integrity (честность).
         2. Use Pauses to Your Advantage (для своего преимущества): Using pauses
         is another strategy that can help you speak slower, but it’s effective in its own
         right (само по себе). Work on creatively using pauses to give more impact
         (влияния) to your speaking. For example, if you have an opening for a public
         presentation  that’s  eight  sentences  long  and  you  make  (выразить)  a
         significant (значительную) point (мысль) after sentence three, throw in a
         sizable  (значительную)  seconds-long  pause.  It  will  add  more  weight  to
         whatever your last sentence was and give your audience time to  soak it in
         (погрузиться в неё). It also gives you a chance to collect your thoughts and
         prepare  for  the  next  section  of  your  speech,  adding  to  the  total  amount  of
         authority and confidence you project (проецируете/излучаете).
         3.  Avoid  Asides  (избегайте  ремарок):  In  a  scenario  that  allows  for
         preparation, such as giving a speech to a public audience, asides (ремарки) are
         fine. You have advance time (срок) to prepare them, determine (определите)
         if they’re relevant (относятся к делу), and include (включить) them if they

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