Page 259 - Вишневская Виктория Юрьевна ©
P. 259


                 to take on a project
                 to keep projects within the planned timeline
                 to be a stickler for due dates
                 to miss a deadline
                 to do my/his/her due diligence
                 to be good at/skilled at
                 to stay on top of deadlines
                 to take a calculated risk
                 to burn the midnight oil
                 to be put on a team with people from different backgrounds
                 and experience levels
                 to assign projects
                Exercise 424. Watch the video 3.25 and answer the questions.
                Number three – stay frugal. When thinking about rich and famous, the first
                things that most people think of are fancy cars and huge mansions – two of
                the most classic symbols of material wealth. But is that really how the most
                successful people use their money? The truth is that some of the wealthiest
                people in the entire world are also some of the most frugal. Now, I’m not
                talking about the overwhelming (подавляющее) majority of the celebrities
                who are relatively shameless (относительно бесстыдные) when it comes to
                material  goods.  Most  of  these  individuals  made  their  millions  off  their
                artistic  talents  or  appearance  (внешний  вид),  but  while  they  are  far
                wealthier than then 99% of the population, they aren’t the kind of billionairs
                we’re talking about. Instead I’m referring to (говорю о) people like Sergei
                Brin, co-founder of Google, who still shops the sales at every grocery store he
                goes  to  or  as  a  business  tyccon  (олигарх)  in  India  whose  net  worth  over
                12.2 billion dollars. He travels to and from most places on a public rickshaw
                (общественным рикшей). Or people like Jeff Bezos who even after become
                the richest person on the planet with a net worth of over              140 billion
                dollars as the founder of Amazon drove a rickety (хрупкий) Honda Accord
                and worked at a desk made of repurposed wood (из древесены вторичной
                обработки). These incredible successful individuals have all the money in the
                world but make the conscious (осознанный) choice to lead very frugal lives.
                Why?  Because  these  billionairs  didn’t  get  where  they  are  today  by  just
                throwing their money around. They’re protective of their money now as they
                were before they had so much of it (они имели так много денег), which is
                exactly the kind of thinking that got them where they are today. For so many
                of  these  billionairs,  their  success  was  built  on  raw  aspirations
                (первоначальные  устремления)  and  drive,  not  just  a  craving  (большое
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