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9. В любом случае, этот настойчивый начальник надеется, что его новички
привыкнут уважать бонусы и будут работать посменно лучше.
10. Кроме того, это решать Саймону, но, по моему мнению, он привыкнет
доверять новичкам, которые рады бегать по делам и решать проблемы.
Exercise 426. Put the verbs into the correct tenses.
1. By the way, last spring Gerald’s spoiled godmother (would/used to) sometimes
(to claim) that she (used to/to get used to/to be used to) (to be) extremely goal-
oriented when in reality she (used to/to get used to/to be used to) (to be) rather
2. Off the top of my head, Hunter’s persistent neighbor (would/used to) puzzle
his employers, as he (to be not used to) (to be) a stickler for due dates.
3. Apparently, Mandy’s industrious employer (to get used to) (to keep) the project
within the planned timeline, as last autumn he (used to/to get used to/to be used
to) (to miss) a lof of deadlines.
4. It (to be) a no-brainer that Karter’s meticulous godparents (to get used to) (to
follow) their boss’ lead, as he (to be) extremely dedicated and never (to take)
no for an answer.
5. Notably, Kimberly’s candid daughter (used to/would) (to be) eager (to take) on
projects that (to be) obviously out of her league in 2018; however, now she (to
be not going to) (to do) so, as she (to be) exhausted.
Exercise 427. Read and discuss the article. Readers' Top Most Awkward
Moments at Work.
Misdirected love (любовь, направленная не в ту сторону): “I told my
boss I loved him at the end of a phone call. I was multi-tasking while we
talked and distractedly (рассеянно) ended the call with ‘All right, I love
you, see you later!’ like I usually do with my family. I caught myself and
was very confused (смущена) and started rambling (бессвязно
говорить) with such eloquent statements (выразительными фразами)
as ‘Oh my god! I didn’t mean that. I absolutely don’t love you….no, I
mean, I like working for you but I know you’re married and I’m married,
and I’m not flirting so please don’t report me to HR for harassment
(домогательство/приследование)…’ At some point during my back-
pedaling (когда я дала на попятную), he just hung up (бросил трубку).
Slapped my boss in the face (дала боссу пощёчину): “I once slapped
my former boss in the face. I’m a woman, he’s a man just a couple of years
older than me. We had a good relationship, and we were talking and joking
around. He said something sarcastic, and I raised my hand to mock-slap
him playfully (понарошку ударить его). (Note to younger self, that was
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