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                are.  In  more  natural  conversations,  however,  improvised  asides  can  be
                damaging (нанести ущерб). For example, if you’re in a job interview and you
                answer  a  question  directly,  then  spiral  (уходите  в)  into  a  related  story
                (историю,  которая  связана  с  основной  темой)  about  something  that
                happened to you a few years ago, it could be a sign that you’re nervous and
                looking to fill conversational space. Instead, focus only on what’s immediately
                relevant (относится к делу по сути сейчас).
                4. Lower Your Vocal Range (понизьте ваш голосовой диапазон): Take a
                look  at  some  of  the  most  famous  speeches  throughout  history,  at  currently
                popular politicians, and even at local newscasters (диктор). You’ll find that
                most  of  them  have  lower  tones  of  voice,  and  this  is  no  coincidence  (нет
                совпадений).  People  tend  to  view  speakers  with  lower  speaking  voices  as
                having more authority and confidence. As much as you can, practice speaking
                in a lower tone of voice. Don’t force yourself or you’ll sound unnatural, but if
                you  can  get  yourself  a  tone  or  two  lower,  it  can  make  a  real  difference
                (реально изменить ситуацию).
                5. Gesticulate: Gesticulation — the practice of using your hands and arms to
                punctuate (акцентировать) or enhance (усилить) your verbal statements —
                is another valuable (ценная) body language strategy. Speakers who use body
                language actively in their presentation tend to be viewed (смотрелись, как) as
                more  confident  and  more  authoritative than  those  who  do  not.  Obviously,
                different hand gestures (жесты) can signal different things, and if you simply
                wave (махать) your hands wildly in front of your audience, it may make you
                come  across  (казаться)  as  out  of  control.  Instead,  focus  on  reserving
                (оставлять) your hand gestures for your most impactful words, and try to keep
                your movements reserved and under strict control.
                Exercise 421. Translate the sentences into Russian and explain usage of
                the tenses.
             1.  Unfortunately, Lindsey’s persistent nephew used to miss important openings
                in international companies, as he used to be rather slow and lazy last year.
             2.  Off the top of my head, Jeffrey’s irritated spouse is not used to working in shifts
                now, as she was used to being a housewife last year.
             3.  I guess, his savvy boss will never get used to having a high paying job next
             4.  It is a no-brainer, that Matthew’s industrious parents are going to get used to
                doing their due diligence this week, as they need to research all the information
                about the competitors.
             5.  Obviously, Ashley’s well-behaved godfather was not used to having a menial
                job, as he used to be rather rich in 2015.

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