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However, despite the success of the ad campaign, the unique selling point was
also seen as a disadvantage: a longer wait. Burger King scrapped the slogan
and went through a very public identity crisis replacing “Have It Your Way”
with a number of unmemorable slogans including “Your Way Right Away”
and “If You Ask Us, It Just Tastes Better.”
And because of the company’s inconsistency in its marketing, Burger King’s
traffic and market share began to slip. The burger brand was almost ousted
from its second place fast-food ranking by Wendy’s. However, in 2004, Burger
King returned to its most successful ad campaign, a switch Burger King’s
marketing team felt was “long overdue.”
After compiling research, the brand learned that three decades later and after a
slew of money was placed into countless other marketing strategies, “Have It
Your Way” was still the slogan that resonated most with its target audience.
And with an advertising campaign as “sticky” as “Have It Your Way,” it is
foolish to rebrand and go against it.
In 2010, Burger King’s Brazilian marketing agency took the “Have It Your
Way” campaign to a new level and presented customers with a “customized”
wrapper with each Whopper. Upon entering the restaurant, secret cameras took
pictures of each customer. The photos were then printed onto their burgers’
wrappers adding a more personal element to the “Have It Your Way” selling
Exercise 456. Fill in the correct translation.
стремиться/быть готовым
взяться за проект
следить, чтобы проект не выходил за рамки
согласованного времени
настаивать на сроках выполнения чего-то/быть
сторонником того, чтобы были установлены
временные рамки
пропускать срок выполнения чего-то
сделать нужную проверку перед тем, как что-то
начинать/проявить должную осмотрительность
хорошо получаться
высказать идеи/мысли
просить помощи
9. быть распределённым в команду с людьми разного 10.
происхождения и уровня опыта
11. назначать проекты 12.
Exercise 457. Translate the letter.
В любом случае, Грег собирается привыкнуть решать проблемы, браться
за проекты и следить, чтобы они не выходили за рамки согласованного
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