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      4.  Besdides, Finley’s persuasive mother –in – law used to accept all job offers she
         could come across with on the Internet, as she had a lot of financial problems
         in 2017.
      5.  It seems to me, Donald’s determined rookie is going to run this by him, as
         Donlad is used to fixing all the issues now.
         Lesson 4. Past Simple. Irregular verbs.

         List of popular irregular verbs
          to be         was/were    been          быть/существовать
          to see        saw         seen          видеть
          to do         did         done          делать
          to go         went        gone          идти/ехать
          to begin      began       begun         начинать
          to become     became      become        становиться
          to come       came        come          приходить
          to run        ran         run           бегать/быть  во  главе
                                                  компании и т.п.
          to swim       swam        swum          плавать
          to drink      drank       drunk         пить
          to bring      brought     brought       приносить
          to buy        bought      bought        покупать
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