Page 54 - Вишневская Виктория Юрьевна ©
P. 54
they consistently (последовательно) produce high quality (делать работу
очень качественно) work and they deliver value (привносить ценность).
But what happens when they’ve done that for a while, they’ve made amazing
(невероятные) accomplishments (достижения) and now they’re ready to
move up (двигаться дальше). And naturally they’re going to start to look at
what opportunities (возможности) are available (доступны) to them in their
current organization. And if there’s nothing available, no room for
advancement (продвижения) they know they’re stuck (они застряли). And
that’s the point where they start to think about moving into another company
looking for opportunities outside of the organization. So as the manager if
you don’t want to get to a point where you get a letter of resignation (письмо
об уходе) sooner than you would like. Then you need to be thinking about the
future of your employees long before they do. You need to accept the fact that
this is natural and you need to anticipate (предвидеть) it. As human beings
(люди) we’re ambitious, we have desires, we want to experience new things.
And so that is naturally going to happen with your good ambitious employees
as well. So there plan here is on your team if there are some employees who
are really good people that you truly want to keep you need to start thinking
about their future now. Not at the point when they hand you the letter of
resignation. At that point it’s way too late. You need to start planning out with
them where you see them going, where you see them moving up and what
opportunities you can potentially help them to get into after they’ve completed
and truly achieved what they’ve needed to in this current role. And I have seen
this firsthand (своими глазами). And because I have seen certain
(отдельные/некоторые) individuals who have been able to take on a
multitude (множество) of roles in their organizations of that they stayed quite
(довольно) a long time. And they became valuable assets (ценным активом)
to their companies. So if that’s what you want with your current employees
then you need to start planning.
Exercise 101. Fill in the missing words and translate the words in bold into
proactive on the furlough Apparently
employees sweat search
Obviously meticulous support
the top of my persistent accept
1. I doubt that his ……employee will be…… in March, as her courses finish in
4 months.
2. ……., only the most industrious ……..will attend this marketing conference
at the City Hall which begins at 12.00 on Friday.
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