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                other  (со  второй  половинкой),  your  dog,  or  any  information  about  your
                health that isn’t necessary (необязательно)for everyone to know is probably
                something  that  you  should  not  be  talking  about  at  work.  And  I  know  that
                sometimes when one of those things goes wrong, or you’re experiencing stress
                that it can be really chanllenging for you to maintain (сохранять) a positive
                attitude (отношение) at work, and for you to bring your best to the office so
                that you can  stay engaged (остаться вовлечённым), keep your colleagues
                liking you and all of that fun stuff. But it is really important for you to practice
                this because it is something that can really have a dramatic impact (влияние)
                on you. One of my clients that I worked with made the mistake about talking
                about her credit card debt (долг) at work. He was speaking with a friend and
                another colleague was sitting by, and her manager was in earshot (в пределах
                слышимости) and it was something that became the talk of the office (темой
                для  обсуждения).  There  was  so  much  judgement  (осуждения)  going  on
                about her and it took her a lot of effort (усилий) and strategy in order for her
                to clear up (избавиться от) that component of her professional brand. Which
                really set her back (откинуло назад) several months, at least in her career.
                You don’t want to be that person. It is better to not overshare (не делиться о
                личном слишком много). It is better to undershare (недоговаривать) than it
                is to overshare at work.
                Answer the questions:
                  1.  What is the video mainly about?
                  2.  Do some people share too much of personal information?
                  3.  What kind of information do you deem to be inappropriate to share at
                  4.  What kind of example does the speaker present?
                Lesson 2. State verbs. To be going to.
                                             State verbs
                 to admire        восхищаться
                 to adore         обожать
                 to agree         соглашаться
                 to allow         позволять
                 to appreciate    ценить
                 to astonish      удивлять
                 to believe       верить
                 to belong        принадлежать
                 to care about    заботиться о ком-то
                 to claim         претендовать/требовать
                 to concern       беспокоиться
                 to consent       соглашаться
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