Page 20 - November 2020
P. 20
Holistic Hacks
Fun facts about Carrot
- If your parents ever told you,
like mine did, that eating carrots would
improve your eyesight, you might
find this especially interesting. That
myth dates back to the early 1940s
and a misinformation campaign by
the British government. At the time, From there, this great root vegetable
the Royal Air Force was utilizing a spread across the known world. Since
new radar system called ‘Airborne their arrival to ancient Greece and
Interception Radar’. This allowed their Rome to their expansion in medieval
pilots to target German bombers more Europe, carrots were often used for
effectively during night missions. To their medicinal properties. The Romans
keep the true source of their higher kill famously figured out that carrots were
counts a secret, the Royal Air Force aphrodisiacs.
spread a rumor that its fighters’ cat-like - Until the 17th century, the only edible
night vision was because of a steady types of carrots were black, white, red,
diet of vitamin-rich carrots. It is not and purple colors. The iconic orange
entirely a false claim however. Carrots carrots were created by selective
are a good source of beta-carotene, breeding in the Netherlands as a tribute
which the body converts to vitamin to the ruling ‘House of Orange’.
A—a crucial component of overall eye - There are over 100 species of edible
health. carrots today.
- Carrots have many medicinal
- Carrots were domesticated in the properties
ancient empires located in today’s Iran – they can repair damaged cells,
and Afghanistan over 5000 years ago. maintain health of the skin, serve as
good antiseptic for skin wounds, cure
eye diseases, very effectively clean
your mouth from bacteria, regulate
the alkaline ratio of your body, treat
worms in children, improve breast milk
in women, restore regular function
of liver, regulate blood pressure, and
much more.