Page 15 - November 2020
P. 15
What is Gift-a-thon and
how to participate?
Giftathon is a cool 24-hour event when Q - Is Gifathon a lottery?
you can choose and order gifts for free. A- All Giftathon participants will receive an
Examples of gifts are healing sessions, item of their choice. However, some supplies
classes, holistic programs, wellness retreats, are limited, so we ask participants to choose
spiritual art, and more. We arranged 4 items they would like. In case we run out
Giftathon as a way of welcoming you to of one, we are still able to offer something
our community, and spreading the word else you liked instead. In situations when we
about Better Life Solutions. Who is in our have excessive demand for a limited item, its
community? People who support natural recipients will be randomly chosen.
healing and personal growth. What is Better
Life Solutions about? It is a platform where Q- I have already ordered a gift for myself,
people can connect to practitioners to get can I order for somebody else?
guidance in health, emotional wellness, and A - Yes, you can. We just hope that the
personal fulfillment. person you select a gift for will appreciate
it. We want our community to grow faster,
Our first Giftathon was very successful, and so, feel free to send gifts to others and invite
now we are planning the Winter Giftathon. It others to participate.
will take place on December 4.
Q – I want to order a physical item as a gift,
All gifts will be delivered during the last week will you pay for shipping of it?
of December or the first week of January 2021. A - No, we can’t cover shipping costs, so you
Mark your calendars, and let’s giftathon together! will be responsible for taking care of it. We
give approximate shipping cost for heavier
Giftathon FAQ items, like sculptures, but please choose
wisely so there will be no unexpected costs.
Q – Are the products offered during Giftathon
REALLY free? – what is “the catch”? Q - I want to donate a healing session, how
A – Yes, they are. “The catch” is simple – we want can I do it?
more people to know about our platform, our A - If you want to donate a healing session, a
practitioners, and our services. We also want to class, a pass to an event, or a physical item, please
bring people some holiday excitement and positive contact us at
energy. 2020 has been so draining for many, why
not share what our community has in abundance? 15