Page 11 - November 2020
P. 11
that is integral to the much larger, Loving and would normally judge. View your Life as the
purposeful entirety of Life. This does not deny Wholeness it really is rather than fixating
or repress anything. This is not some kind of Jedi attention on only a tiny aspect of it. Joy is the
mind trick. It is deeper and more immutable than wide open embrace of it all.
that. It is simply the Truth! We are not made up
of a few separate, isolated events. It only feels that ALL of Life is the real you. Your body has
way when we have a narrow focus. We are vast changed countless times. Your baby body, your
beings – Infinite Being Itself. childhood body, your body of just a few years
ago have all come and gone, but the Flow of
And this doesn’t only apply to painful and Life is, and will always be, here now, as the
challenging events. When we have attachments Real You! You are Life, You are Energy, You are
– those persons and things we feel we cannot Universal Intelligence, You are Spirit, You are
live without, we are fooled into believing not just the body – You are the Life in the body.
that Love and Joy is contained in an isolated You are Life Everywhere all at once, not an
individual, place or substance. “I Love isolated event, not even an isolated individual.
everything about my Life!” frees us from the We don’t need to learn how to dance – we are
torment of craving and the fear and pain of being Danced. We don’t need to weave our
loss which is the hallmark of all attachments. tapestry – we are being Woven. We don’t need
This occurs not through renunciation but, as to steer our magic carpet – it is relentlessly and
above, through INCLUDING it as just one Lovingly bringing us Home.
aspect of the undivided fullness of Life.
“I Love everything about my Life!” because
Riding the Magic Carpet Life is an unstoppable movement called
evolution . . . and this evolutionary force
ALL of our life experiences make up the most is taking ALL of us, whether kicking and
sumptuous awe-inspiring tapestry. There are screaming or through our choosing to align
no two alike. Interwoven into our Life-tapestry with it – or a combination of both, to a Loving
are threads of diverse experiences and events. and Liberating Realization of who and what we
This Life-tapestry is a magic carpet taking us to really are. That is why we can each say without
the ultimate destination of Love and Liberation. reservation that “I Love everything about
The magic carpet is the WHOLE tapestry. It is my Life!” And when we can say that with the
the intricately woven pattern of EVERYTHING wholeness of our being, the “my” disappears
in our life. The challenges that keep showing and it becomes just the flow of life. We can’t
up are the tough bristled cords that give our help but Love Everything. The saying then
magic carpet the strength needed to endure becomes “I AM Life!” Beyond that, there is just
the long and bumpy ride to Freedom. “I Love the silence and stillness of Life Infinite.
EVERYTHING about my Life!” allows us to see
the Divine artistry of our tapestry. We begin to Mark Okita
see the absolutely adorable character, beauty and Mark Okita offers multi-dimensional healing sessions for
uniqueness of our magic carpet. any physical, emotional or energetic condition. He is also
a clear facilitator of spiritual awakening. As a conduit
for the Divine, everything he offers comes from that
Take your magic carpet out for a Joy-ride by Higher Love. This healing will uplift and fine tune even
saying “I Love everything about my Life!” to the healthiest individual and open the way to the next
whatever happens, especially the things you inspired step on your Life Path.” 11 5