Page 14 - November 2020
P. 14
point of view of “Universal Truth”. Let us, just See how your peers are also holding candles.
for a moment, stop thinking about ourselves, Imagine just how brightly we will glow if these
let go of our selfishness and Ego, and do the flames come together.
things we want done for us for our loved ones,
our families, co-workers, and neighbors. If we Even if our candles have only a modest glow,
do, we will find a wheel of fortune and circle There is no reason to be ashamed.
of happiness beginning to turn!! Keep giving- There is no reason for self-limitations.
give, give, and give. That positive energy will There is no reason to despair.
be emitted to the universe, and soon or later, It is just the beginning of all things to come.
everything you have given will be given back You mustn’t forget
to you. The light that you have shared from That those who set eyes upon your light,
your heart will flare and light other’s hearts, Will be reminded of the memories of their
fueling a torch of love that will someday light original home.
the way for you and all. Within us all, there remains
The power to believe in our hopes once more.
A shadow has crossed our planet this year, We must never allow a sliver of doubt,
warning us of our derelict ways. Now is the In this power within us all
time for all of us to come together with love To imagine our dreams once more.
to banish that shadow and restore the light.
Love can overcome any differences we face- I am also not more than one glowing candle.
gender, ethnic background, culture, religion, But, if this flame can set light to a million
philosophy. United love is even stronger still. more candles,
One soul’s candlelight may be small and weak, Then there will be a million more candles to cast
but by coming together and sharing our light light upon this world.
we can become a torch of love to illuminate the And what’s more, the light of these candles can
world and change it for the better. Yes, the sun be passed on,
will rise again for us all! And passed on again, to spread forth infinitely.
I hope you will join me on this journey to create
In conclusion, I would like to leave you with a world of light.”
words of wisdom from Ryuho Okawa. ~ From “Life of Triumph”
“Imagine what you will see Yoichi Utebi is a Producer
When the flame of this candle overflows upon of HS Productions’
this world. “Twiceborn.” Based on the
true life of Ryuho Okawa,
I will tell you that you shall see the light of day, “Twiceborn” tells the story
Like the rays of the sun cast upon the world. of Satoru, a highly successful
You have been living within the darkness for businessman who abandons
many years, everything to pursue his
The touches of daylight may have vanished from true calling, the happiness
your memory, of humankind. The film
But look upon my candle, will open in select theatres
in North America in Fall
Look upon not only my own candle, but those of 2020 and will be available
your peers. on VOD/DVD in early 2021. Visit https://www.
14 to find out more information
about this inspiring film.