Page 12 - November 2020
P. 12
“The Sun Shall Rise Again”
Kindle the candlelight of your heart
to fire the collective torch that will
lead us out of our present darkness
By Yoichi Utebi
As we enter the latter months of 2020, we can as though we are the creator of the universe.
agree it has been the most challenging year we Maybe we ought to be more humble and
have faced in decades for most or all of us. Who grateful for what we have been given and
ever imagined 2020 would be so relentlessly stop taking our gifts for granted. Perhaps we
dark and devastating? Sometimes it seems as ought to stop being so self-centered and start
though we are in a dream and will wake in the thinking more about the happiness of others.
morning to say, “Oh, thank God it was only a
dream!!” Sadly, we must accept this reality and “Twiceborn”, a new biographical Japanese art
move forward. If, however, we wish to not only film about Ryuho Okawa, the founder of the
survive this crisis but to emerge better than global spiritual movement Happy Science,
we were before, we must first consider how we is a testament to the power of humility, self-
got here in the first place. Once we understand reflection, and love. The story reminds us to
our errors, we can learn from them and amend reflect on our own lives, to ask ourselves what
them. And in order to create a bright, sunlit kind of life we have been seeking and walking,
future for everyone, we must individually to contemplate more deeply what our purpose
and collectively choose love and unity as our and mission in life may be, and to share our
standard bearers as we overcome the hardships love unconditionally in order to fulfill that
and difficulties we face today. purpose. “Twiceborn” is the story of Satoru
Ichijo, a successful and promising businessman
As we wonder, “Why is this happening to us who awakens to his calling and true mission.
now?” and grasp for the so called ‘new normal’, Relinquishing all the material glories and
I believe there is a lesson we need to learn. stature of life he had accumulated, he instead
Perhaps God is giving us an opportunity to seeks “Universal Truth” and dedicates his
realize that we have been too arrogant, acting life to “spreading the message of Hope and