Page 10 - November 2020
P. 10

The Loving Tapestry

                                               of Life

        As we head into the Holiday Season, I am               an integral, inseparable, essentially exuberant
        inspired to write about joy and good tidings,          part!  We are being completely Loved and cared
        in a way that is more expansive and enduring           for by the totality of this creative, intelligent
        than just passing Holiday cheer. I want to             Universe. In other words, this Love and care
        share a spark of truth which has the capacity to       includes everything we have ever experienced
        ignite the glow of a Love Eternal – something          – moments of hardship and loss, joy and
        possessing a power that can reveal an                  exultation – and everything in between. With
        indestructible Truth beyond merely a time of           this broader and more accurate perspective, say
        year or outer circumstances – the Truth of an          within, “I Love everything about my life!”

        ever-present wise, tender and omnipotent Love.
                                                               Don’t just say it like a dry mantra. Rather, see and
            This message is infused with Energy, so even       feel how the Universe is supportive and Loving
           though it might sound like something you have       no matter what form it takes. Test this out: pick a
        already heard before, I recommend giving it a fresh  painful or challenging event, perhaps something
           try. The reach and power of this practice is far    happening right now. Embrace it fully. See it as
          and deep, especially if done consistently for a few   part of the Universal Whole. Open to the truth
         days or weeks. Or do it for a whole year and it will  that everything is inherently part of Life. Align
         transform your life in seemingly miraculous ways.     with that TOTAL flow of energy called Life. “I

                                                               Love everything about my life!” embraces each
        Embracing Your WHOLE Life                              and every event as part of the whole. We are as
                                                               enduring, resilient, and vital as Life Itself.
        First of all, to loosen up the fixation on the
        small self, let us open our perspective to             When somebody does something we don’t like,
        include all of Life. Realize the immensity of          or when an unfortunate event happens and we
        this grand flow called Life – vast oceans full         feel angry, anxious, sad or disturbed in any way,
        of dazzling creatures, mandalas of stars called        or when we have an odious or challenging task
        galaxies, microorganisms doing their intricate         to perform, “I Love everything about my Life!”
        life-affirming dance and so much more – all of         allows us to see it not as a separate distasteful
        which we are only an infinitesimal part – but          occurrence or responsibility, but something

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