Page 6 - November 2020
P. 6
other own drama continues to replace the
concept of Human Being as pawn or subject
dependent on the whims of a higher power.
“God” is no longer a separate entity that
exists out there, apart from me. “God”
as “The Force” lives within me and works
through me. The acceptance and proof of
the invisible energy realm has dramatically
and profoundly influenced, not only our
spiritual perspectives, but our sensitivity
to, tolerance of, and responsibility for the
energy field that surrounds each and every
one of us.
“You are not separate from the whole. You
are one with the sun, the earth, the air.
You don’t have a life. You are life.
(Eckhart Tolle)
Words like “synchronicity” and “resonance”
have replaced the concept of coincidence in
our everyday reality. Quantum physics has now available, some new, some ancient, but
introduced us to a new way of perceiving previously denied in the Western World.
the way the world works and our place For example, reiki, acupuncture, polarity
in it. Personal autonomy, an important therapy, just to name a few, are all practices
Aquarian Age value, requires that we take based on the correct realignment of the
personal responsibility for our own energy body’s energetic system. Invisible energy
field. This idea is most evident in the area fields have always been around. What’s new
of medicine and healing. The importance is the willingness of science to take them
of the body-mind-soul connection in seriously and be willing to name them,
healing is a relatively new idea for the develop them and work with them.
medical profession, as is taking personal
responsibility for one’s own health and Respect for invisible energy has influenced
well-being. In mom’s day, doctor was God, the new age perspective of Mother Earth
not to be questioned or challenged in any as well. As a living breathing organism,
way. Today, a second opinion is not only she too possesses an energy field, which,
encouraged, but expected. Acceptance of when left to her own devices, has always
“invisible energy”, and its healing potential served Humanity well. We have always
if properly manipulated, has spawned a “felt” the sacredness of certain places, or
whole bevy of energetic healing modalities