Page 4 - November 2020
P. 4
Welcome to the New Age
Part V: Aquarian Age Principles & The Realm
of Invisible Energy
“Once you accept the universe as The symbols for Aquarius, a glyph
matter expanding into nothing that is composed of two parallel “lightening
something, bolts” and the Water Bearer as its
wearing stripes with plaid comes easy.” representative, provide us with
(Albert Einstein) important clues about the nature
of new age energy and the shifts in
The Aquarian Age began “cusping” in the perspective that our growing awareness
mid 1700’s, with the discovery of Uranus, of it fosters. Aquarius is an air sign, as
the planetary ruler of Aquarius. Since far removed from the watery realm as
then, Aquarian principles and concepts can be. Although the ancients knew
have been growing in the collective mind, it existed, they didn’t know how to
and asserting ever stronger influence depict it. For lack of a more accurate
on our perspectives and the way we conceptualization, they chose water
live our lives. This influence has been pouring out from a jug to represent the
felt profoundly through the scientific constant flow of invisible energy waves
and technological advances that have that emanate from all living things,
increased our understanding of “invisible surround us, and influence life on earth
energies”, those that don’t necessarily in ways imperceptible to the traditional
register with the five physical senses. five senses. This concept was beautifully
These have always existed, but until depicted in the move Star Wars, when
recently have been relegated to the realm Obewan Kenobi explained the presence
of mysticism and the abilities of those few of “The Force” to Luke Skywalker. It’s
adepts who learned to manipulate them. in us and around us, and with practice
New scientific theories and advances and exercise, it can work through us. It’s
in technology now make it possible to important to remember that Darth Vader
test and measure this invisible energy was equally adept in the ways of The
realm, giving it credence and spawning a Force, so this energy is neither “good”
plethora of applications for its use. nor “bad”. In keeping with Aquarian
ideal of equality, mastery of The Force is