Page 3 - November 2020
P. 3

From the                                 Dear Readers,

                  Editor                          As I am writing this note, I am keeping an eye on the US
                                                  election tracker and thinking, “What a year!!!” So many
                                                  things went and felt unpredictably different, so if I had
                                                  given my 2020 diary to myself a year ago, I would have
                                                  thought I went insane.

                                                  But, I trust life and the course it is taking can never be
                                                  wrong. If some lessons were not learned well in the past,
                                                  here they are again.

                                                  November is a Thanksgiving month, and I want to
                                                  take a moment to count my blessings. One of them is
                                                  having you as readers. Thank you for your questions,
                                                  comments, and donations. Thank you for sharing our
                                                  magazine with others.

                                                  I am thankful to my team who entered my life as
                                                  strangers, and now I feel they are my family.

                                                  I am thankful to my students - it is such a joyful
                                                  experience to grow together.

                                                  I have no words to describe how thankful I am to my
                                                  husband and my son who support me on so many levels!
                                                  I can continue this long list, but let me jump to the last
                                                  item  - no matter how cynical it may sound, but I am

                                                  thankful for the quarantine, as it made me understand
                                                  things more deeply, prioritize smarter, and evolve faster.

                                                  Be safe. Be wise. Be Peace and Love.


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