Page 8 - November 2020
P. 8

the last few decades.  Children being born                  “We take a handful of sand from the
        today are resonating at a much higher                   endless landscape of awareness around us
        vibration, and this trend will only continue             and call that handful of sand the world.”

        to grow exponentially in the future.  Yes,                             (Robert M. Pirsig)
        nutrition, greater emphasis on prenatal care,
        and revolutionary (new age) socialization
        theories are contributing factors, but the             by Kimberly McSherry

        kinds of changes we’re experiencing in
        our young goes far beyond anything these               Kimberly McSherry has been a student of Astrology
        practices can explain.  For them, this realm           and a professional educator since 1970.  She holds
                                                               multiple degrees from Kent State University (BS in
        of invisible energy is a reality, rather than          English/Education & Psychology), the State University
        a speculation or a belief.  Imagine a future           of New York at Buffalo (MA in Humanities), and The
        world where everyone can see the aura                  University of Houston (M.ED PSYCH.).  A certified
        of a person from a distance and know in                Gestalt Therapist, with advanced studies in Jungian and
                                                               Hakomi Therapeutic approaches as well, Kimberly is the
        advance whether or not they want to engage             co-founder and current Director of The Houston Institute of

        with the energy field heading their way.               Astrology (established in 1980,) offering an intensive 2-year
        Imagine being able to read the thoughts of             curriculum in the study of Astrology, based on The Mystery
        another, and have your thoughts read in                School tradition. Her nontraditional education includes
                                                               extensive study of mythology and comparative religions,
        return.   There could be no deceit, no hiding          Native American Spirituality, and a vast array of physical
        of true intentions, no emotional game                  and metaphysical healing modalities and nontraditional
        playing in such a world.  Regardless of race,          psychological fields. She is the published author of several
        gender, ethnicity, or culture, we would all            essays on astrology, which have appeared in The Mountain
                                                               Astrologer, and Llewellyn’s New World Astrology Series,
        pretty much be on an equal playing field.              Spiritual, Metaphysical, & New Trends in Astrology.  She

        What an Aquarian world it would be!  I                 has also served on the faculty of most national astrological
        don’t think that future world is as far off as         conferences.  Kimberly currently writes, teaches Astrology
        most people imagine.  Of course there will             classes via HIA, offers private astrological consultations,
                                                               and practices short-term focused therapy using Astrology
        be problems, but never fear.  The thought              and a variety of therapeutic techniques. She can be reached
        police will never be far away!                         by e-mail at
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