Page 13 - November 2020
P. 13

Love” to the world while remaining humble,             others’.” It is very typical and normal to think
        hardworking, and caring.                               this way because it is important to think about
                                                               your own success and your happiness in order
        One of the main principles that Saturo follows         to kick start the laws of attraction. However,
        in his quest to fulfill his mission is to “bring       to attain true success and happiness, you
        happiness to others without consideration of           need to go beyond “Me” thinking and instead

        your own benefit.” Similar to religion’s Golden        put others before yourself. If your mindset
        Rule, “Do unto others as you would have                becomes too self-centered, you will probably
        done unto you” (Matt. 7:12), Saturo tries to           attract what you want. But in so doing, you
        treat others as he would like to be treated and        may create an “Ego” and “Arrogance” that
        to give love without taking. The idea sounds           will clash with others, causing friction that
        simple, but it is quite difficult to actually live     can devolve into all types of negative energies
        by every day. Difficult but not impossible, for        such as hatred, anger, betrayal, distrust, fear,
        in reality, truly successful and happy people          jealousy, self-denial, and so on. At the end of
        continually execute this principle.                    the day, you may end up with a very unhappy

                                                               life. You might blame others for it or denounce
        Consider how you have applied this principle           the laws of attraction as a lie, but in fact, it
        to your life until now. Ask yourself these             would have been your own doings and your
        simple questions: “How much have I been                mindset that attracted such a result.
        giving to others without expecting anything in
        return?” “How egotistical am I? Have I always          Ironically, although it may seem as though
        put myself first before others?” I am sure most        you would be making a sacrifice and lose
        of us would answer, “Yes, my life has been             something by giving of yourself for others,
        about me first, about my success first, then           you would actually gain so much, from the

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