Page 18 - November 2020
P. 18

Connections, Ayurveda

                             &          Doggie Toothbrushing

        By Uma Hingorani, Ayurvedic Practitioner

        Recently, I had the experience of a simple and         The veterinarian was young and spoke in a
        powerful connection when I took our dogs to            friendly manner. The conversation started by
        the vets for a dental checkup. I arrived a few         her asking me how I was doing. I told her I was
        minutes early and called in to the front desk.         trying to meditate, but my mind was racing
        Everything takes a little longer nowadays,             as usual. She laughed heartily and told me
        because of the safety precautions for covid.           her mind does the same thing. Then she told
        After about ten minutes, someone came to               me that she had news that she rarely gets to
        our car and took my two dogs inside while              give. Our dogs’ teeth looked so good that she
        I waited. I decided to go for a walk in the            recommended skipping the yearly anesthetic

        beautiful park nearby. It was a lovely fall            teeth cleaning! I was thrilled to hear this. I
        day. I couldn’t remember the last time I was           asked her if I could share my secret with her
        alone and relaxed like this. I breathed deeply         if she had a minute, which she did. A little
        amongst the trees, sitting on a bench, and             over a year ago, I began brushing their teeth
        listened to the sounds of nature. Birds chirped,  with a mix of powders of turmeric (3 parts) +
        a friendly squirrel came close by to say               neem (1 part) + a pinch of Himalayan pink sea
        ‘hello’, and a blue jay flew onto a tree branch        salt.2 The antimicrobial effect seemed to work
        overhead. I felt at peace and lingered in the          wonderfully with daily brushing. A few years

        moment. It didn’t take long before my mind             back, before starting Ayurveda School, I had
        darted into its usually array of thoughts and to- the terrible experience of taking our dogs in for
        do lists. And then the vet called.                     a teeth cleaning and ended up spending $1500

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