Page 21 - November 2020
P. 21
- Among all vegetables, carrots have the pot of water. The nutrients from the
largest content of vitamin A. 100 grams cucumber will react with the boiling
of carrots will give you 104% of the water and be released in the steam,
recommended daily dose of that vitamin! creating a soothing, relaxing aroma.
-Eating one carrot, gives you enough Bad breath? Cut a slice and press it
energy to run 1 mile! to the roof of your mouth with your
tongue for 30 seconds to get rid of
WONDER FULL CUCUMBERS it. The phytochemicals will kill the
bacteria that are responsible for causing
“As cool as a cucumber!” A phrase bad breath.
most of us have heard plenty of times. Had too many drinks? Cucumbers
Did you know that the term is derived contain enough sugar, B vitamins
from the cucumber’s ability to cool the and electrolytes to replenish essential
temperature of the blood? Also, when nutrients the body lost, keeping
applied topically, cucumber really does everything in balance. Eat a couple
cool the blood and ease facial swelling, slices before bed and wake up
which is why cucumbers are so popular headache-free!
in facial regimens. Need some energy in the afternoon?
Stay away from sugar. Cucumbers are
Cucumber is a popular cultivated plant an amazing source of B vitamins and
in the gourd family ‘Cucurbitaceae’ that carbohydrates that can provide that
has captivated our attention from the afternoon pick-me-up.
moment it appeared in ancient India. Do you have a problem with your
Since that time over 4000 years ago, bathroom mirror fogging up after
cucumber was spread beyond Indian your morning shower? Try rubbing a
borders, moved through Ancient Greece, cucumber slice along the mirror. It will
Rome, Europe, New World, China, and eliminate the fog and provide a nice
eventually becoming the fourth most fragrance.
widely cultivated vegetable in the world. Cleaning without harsh chemicals and
One might call the Cucumber, nature’s want to have all your surfaces streak
multivitamin. They contain Vitamins B1, free? Take a slice of cucumber and wipe
B2, B3, B5 and B6, folic acid, Vitamin C, it on any surface that needs a little TLC
calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, — your faucets, sinks, stainless steel,
potassium, and zinc. There are so etc. — and it will remove tarnish and
many fun and interesting facts about built-up residue and leave it looking
cucumbers to explore together. beautiful, clean and shiny.
Dealing with stress? Cut up an entire
cucumber and place it in a boiling Jewel Gonzalez 21