Page 23 - November 2020
P. 23
Good Feng Shui
for Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving 2020 brings opportunities for and loss. Make plans in advance. Order in
joy and happiness despite the fact that families or cook a special meal. Eat only dessert for
cannot be together as usual. Transform the day dinner if it makes you happy. Set your table
(and even the month) into a new experience (or TV tray) with linens, silverware and wine
for yourself and those around you to raise glass as you might for special guests. Then
your energy levels. Below are three suggestions sit and savor the bounty. Or do your own
for nourishing family ties when we cannot be variation on this theme. Mark the day to be
together. Family in Feng Shui is represented by thankful for and bless those who nourished
the sturdy Wood Element and is supported by the person you’ve become..
the changeable Water Element. Water Element
promotes emotional bonding. 3. Start a new tradition
Consider hand-writing and sending snail-
1. Decorate with abandon mail notes telling family members why you’re
Decorate with autumn colors and greenery to thankful to have them in your life. A simple
measurably raise energy (chí) in your home. sentence such as “I’m thankful to have you
Little pumpkins and decorative gourds remind in my life because you’re always there for
us of the abundance of the season. Invest in me” is enough. Watch for a wave of love and
fresh flowers and greenery. Place bouquets gratitude to flow through you immediately, and
where you’ll see them frequently and bask in again when your note is read. Getting a card
their joyful display. The lesson of cut flowers is in the mail today is possibly one of the most
to be thankful for gifts of fleeting beauty and treasured experiences you can give someone.
let go when their time has come. Reach out to Feng Shui helps us live life to the fullest and
loved ones to reminisce about a happy time weather difficulties more easily. It offers
from the past. insights beyond moving furniture and
redesigning rooms. I hope one of the above
2. Create a new reality suggestions brings you joy and happiness this
Instead of feeling sad for what won’t happen holiday. All are certain to flow positive energy
this year, create a wholly new experience through your home and your life.
and enjoy that experience to its fullest.
By invoking creativity, we unblock energy Julie Britt
bottlenecks that keep us trapped in sadness Feng Shui Life Coach 23