Page 5 - November 2020
P. 5

equally possible for everyone, regardless of
                                                               how one intends to use it.

                                                               With the recent scientific and technological
                                                               advances of this “Fourth Industrial
                                                               Revolution” in which we find ourselves

                                                               today, we continue to discover/invent/
                                                               develop new ways to measure and test
                                                               this invisible energy field, validating its
                                                               existence and exploring its application
                                                               in a variety of fields.  For example,

                                                               people sensitive to the invisible energetic
                                                               emanations of all living things (the “life
                                                               force”) have always been able to see auras.

                                                               However, it wasn’t until the invention of
                                                               Kirlian photography in 1939 that it became
                                                               “okay” for anyone to see auras.  No longer
                                                               is this “gift” reserved for the mystics or
                                                               the “psychologically imbalanced”.  Psychic

                                                               intuitives, remote viewers, sensitives,
                                                               empaths, healers, clairvoyants and mediums
                                                               are no longer automatically relegated to

                                                               the realm of charlatan or psychotic.  ESP
                                                               is now considered an ability grounded in
                                                               science, and studies abound to determine
                                                               how and why it works.  Advances in
                                                               the neurological sciences through brain

                                                               mapping and high powered scanners have
                                                               enabled us to actually see parts of the
                                                               brain involved in those who experience

                                                               valid ESP episodes.  The “miracle” of the
                                                               Piscean age has become the “result of
                                                               skillful manipulation of the energy field”.
                                                               The “power of prayer” increasingly gives
                                                               way to the ability to manifest our intentions

                                                               because thoughts have substance and
                                                               we have the power to change our reality
                                                               through focusing thought on a desired

                                                               outcome. The perspective of Human Being
                                                               as co-creator and lead actor in his/her/

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