Page 12 - October 2023
P. 12


                      Bridging the Divine and the Mathematical

        Beyond the Triangle. Delving into the

        Journey from Numbers to the Notes of
        the Cosmos.

        When we hear the name Pythagoras,
        most of us are transported back to

        our school days, grappling with the
        geometric simplicity of a right-angled
        triangle. The Pythagorean theorem,

        stating that in a right-angled triangle, the
        square of the length of the hypotenuse

        (the side opposite the right angle)
        is equal to the sum of the squares of
        the lengths of the other two sides, is

        a fundamental relation in Euclidean
        geometry among the three sides of a

        right triangle. Although the theorem
        was known to Babylonians 1000 years
        earlier, it’s widely believed that the

        Greek philosopher and mathematician
        Pythagoras was the first to provide a


        Not many know, though, that

        Pythagoras’ legacy extends far beyond
        geometry, reaching into the realms

        of spirituality, astrology, and sound
        healing, embodying a holistic approach
        to knowledge that intertwines the

        mathematical with the mystical.
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