Page 13 - October 2023
P. 13

Background:                                            universe was built on the foundation of
        Pythagoras was certainly well-educated,                numbers. They held that numbers were

        learning to play the lyre, studying poetry,  the key to understanding the true nature
        and reciting Homer. He was taught                      of reality, a belief echoed centuries later by
        mathematics by the ancient Greek                       Galileo who famously said, “God is a

        philosopher Thales, who introduced the                 mathematician.”
        Greeks to mathematical concepts from

        Ancient Egypt, and by Anaximander, a                   Pythagoras revered numbers as
        notable student of Thales. Throughout                  the essence of all existence. He
        his life, Pythagoras had many teachers,                began counting from the number 3,

        including Zoroastrian astrologer-priests               considering 1 and 2 as the foundational
        with whom Pythagoras studied for 12                    building blocks for all other numbers.

        years. This combination of knowledge                   Each number, according to Pythagoras,
        surely led to something extraordinary.                 had a unique character and significance.

                                                               For instance, he associated the number
        No Boundary between the                                7 with opportunity, and the number 4

        Scientific and the Spiritual                           with justice. The Pythagoreans revered
        Unlike many mathematicians of his                      the number 10, as it symbolized a perfect

        time and thereafter, Pythagoras saw no                 equilateral triangle when the first four
        boundary between the scientific and the                numbers (1,2,3, and 4) are arranged

        spiritual. He believed in the reincarnation            in a tetractys. They also held a deep
        of souls and claimed to remember his past              understanding of harmony, viewing it
        four lives. Some accounts suggest that                 as a balance of opposites, represented by

        he believed he could communicate with                  even and odd numbers.
        plants and animals, and travel through

        space and time.                                        The monad (a unit) represented the
                                                               birthplace of all things, while the dyad
        Central to Pythagoras’ philosophy was the              (number two) symbolized matter. The

        idea that numbers were divine and held                 sacred number seven resonated through the
        magical powers. He and his followers,                  strings of a lyre, the planets, and the Greek

        known as Pythagoreans, believed that the               calendar, embodying a divine harmony.

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