Page 14 - October 2023
P. 14

Music as Medicine
        Pythagoras’ fascination with numbers

        extended to a spiritual quest for
        purification and divine union. His

        belief in the healing power of music
        was a testament to this quest. In Croton
        (a city now in Italy), he established

        one of the world’s first laboratories,
        where he explored acoustics by

        experimenting with bells of different
        weights and measuring the pitch of
        tones they produced. He discovered the

        mathematical basis of musical harmony,
        realizing that the pitch of a musical note

        changes with the length of the string, and
        harmonious notes correspond to simple
        numerical ratios.

        His celestial measurements led him to

        propose an Earth-centered solar system,
        and he believed that the movements
        of stars and planets created a celestial

        harmony, coining the term “the music of
        the spheres.”

        Pythagoras’ recognition of music’s
        healing powers was revolutionary for

        his time. He believed that music could
        align souls with their divine nature,

        performing what he termed as ‘soul
        alignment.’ He is attributed with the
        introduction of the concept “music as

        medicine,” a notion that resonates with
        many modern healers today.

        The Pythagoreans were known for their
        secrecy, keeping their knowledge closely

        guarded, which likely led to the loss of
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