Page 17 - October 2023
P. 17

and Potential. By understanding these                  However, it’s important to remember that
        numbers, I can help individuals unravel                this abundance isn’t limited to material

        the tapestry of their existence, revealing             wealth; it can also manifest as abundance
        who they truly are and what they are                   in relationships, personal growth, and

        meant to achieve.                                      wisdom.

        One of the most fascinating aspects                    When you add your own month + day

        of numerology is its dynamic nature.                   + year of your birthday, it equals your
        Numbers aren’t static; they flow and                   Life Path, or as I call it, your Native Path.

        evolve, much like our lives. This is where             This process unveils the intricate tapestry
        temporary numbers come into play. They                 of your existence, with each element
        reflect the current energetic influence on             contributing to the unique pattern that is

        an individual’s life for a period of two years. you. Understanding and embracing this
                                                               powerful combination of numbers is the

        When I work with a client, I not only                  first step into working with your personal
        look at the 8 blueprint numbers, I also                numerology. It’s a journey of self-discovery,
        calculate your temporary numbers as they  empowerment, and enlightenment,

        currently transit through your life for the            guiding you to unlock the mysteries of
        next two years. This tells you when to take  your life’s path and empowering you to

        action and when to do nothing.                         navigate it with intention and clarity.
                                                               Numerology, with its timeless wisdom,
        Some clients work with me annually,                    invites you to embark on a transformative

        some quarterly, and some monthly                       journey within, celebrating the day you
        developing a plan of action. The year                  entered the Earth plane as a unique and

        2023 is a 7 energy year. You do this by                extraordinary individual.
        adding 2 + 0 + 2 + 3 = 7. Therefore 2024
        would be 2 + 0 + 2 + 4 =8.                                             Darlene Chadbourne

                                                                               Intuitive Master
        2024 will be an 8 energy year. Perhaps                                 Numerologist and Full

        the most well-known aspect of the                                      Potential Consultant,
        number 8 is its association with                                       guiding men and women for
        abundance, wealth, and material success.               their entire lifespan, to find their passion,

        In an 8 year, there’s often an increased               purpose, and self-confidence.
        potential for financial growth and           

        stability. It’s a time when opportunities
        for financial gain, investments, or career             Read more articles on Numerology in our
        advancements may present themselves.                   future editions.

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