Page 18 - October 2023
P. 18

The Unseen Realm.

                                 Blending Science and Spirituality

        Discover a realm where the line between                In the quest for understanding the
        the material and the metaphysical blurs,               nature of existence, researchers and

        opening doors to boundless imagination                 thinkers have often tried to transcend
        and exploration.                                       the tangible, venturing into the realm of
                                                               the metaphysical. A recent exploration

        From the Editor:                                       by a researcher and mathematician,
        A couple of years ago, I was reading                   Yusef Segman, has unveiled intriguing

        astrological predictions written by                    concepts that challenge our conventional
        Jagdish Maheshri, wondering how                        understanding of reality. Among these

        the onset of the Aquarian age would                    are the ideas of a timeless metaphysical
        manifest itself in science. In his articles,           space, the unique behavior of matter and
        Jagdish consistently emphasized that                   its complementary counterpart, and the

        spirituality and science would begin                   realization of all conceivable scenarios in
        to intertwine. Intrigued, I started                    different universes. Let’s dive a bit deeper

        observing the world around me and                      into these fascinating concepts.
        indeed noticed this trend gaining
        momentum. Today, we are delving into  The Timeless Metaphysical Space

        this fascinating intersection through                  The notion of a timeless metaphysical
        the article “Everything Is Timelessly                  space is a leap from our conventional
        Connected: Metaphysics, Physics,                       understanding of space as a three-

        Consciousness, Spacetime Travel”                       dimensional realm bound by time.
        written by Yosef Joseph Segman, PhD                    Dr. Segman and his calculations seem

        in Mathematics, and published in                       to  prove that metaphysical space
        Natural Science magazine. Below are                    is a boundless expanse where the

        just few insights from it.                             conventional laws of physics cease to
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